Please check back often, we continually update our information! The resources listed on this page are here for your knowledge, safety, and health. If you would like additional information on a topic (if discussed here or not) please contact us we will do our best to help and answer your questions.
Advocacy and Education
We are educators and advocates first and foremost. Protecting Seniors is our business. It is our philosophy that providing education and advocating for those we serve supersedes any desire to sell products and services.
As an industry leader in senior services, Heartland Home Health knows the physical, emotional, and financial challenges faced by many elderly citizens and their families every day. We have developed a tremendous wealth of knowledge and resources and we look forward to sharing that knowledge with you.
Do you need help, direction or information? We can help!
- Senior Advocacy and Support
- Public Services and Resources
- Long Term Care Insurance
- Veteran’s Benefits
- Living Trusts
- Power of Attorney
- Real Estate and Reverse Mortgages
- Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Groups
- Meals on Wheels
- Senior Social, Education, and Recreation Centers
- Senior Service Referrals
- Professional Fiduciary Services
- Fall Prevention Seminars
- Home Care
- Facility/Institutional

Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention Program
Request a Free Fall Prevention Workshop for Your Group!
Heartland Home Health is proud to be the Ventura and Los Angeles County area’s “resident experts” in fall prevention. Let us share some ideas with your family, friends, company, organization, or group about how to prevent one of the most catastrophic events in the life of a senior citizen.
Did you know?
- 70% of accidental deaths in people over the age of 75 result from falls.
- We spend $79 billion in medical costs each year on accidents attributable to falls.
- 40% of all nursing home admissions are attributable to repeated falls at home.
- 1 out of every 3 seniors who lives independently in their homes will seek medical. care for a major fall each year? If you are over 75, the likelihood of falling is even greater.
- 25% of seniors who suffer hip fractures die within one year.
- Survivors of falls may experience debilitating fractures of the hip, wrists or spine.
- Falling, or the fear of falling, often leads to loss of confidence, imposed isolation and immobility.
As you can see, the consequences of falling are very serious to seniors and their families. We are very concerned about the effects that falls have on seniors. We routinely speak to groups, both large and small, about how to prevent falls. We have developed a dynamic presentation (ranging from 20 to 60 minutes in length) that we would love to share with your group. In this presentation, we share such things as:
- The frequency and effects of falls among seniors
- The most common causes of falls
- Things you can do to reduce the risk of falling
- What to do when someone falls
- How to tell if you or someone you love is at risk of a fall

With each presentation, brochures, videos and other materials are available for each person. In addition, each senior will have the opportunity to participate in a free risk assessment. If you would like us to present this valuable program at your group’s next meeting, simply contact us.
Fire Safety
Emergency Planning and Preparation
Fall-Proofing Your Home
Click Below to Download our ACES Senior Services Guide
Click on our Brochure to Download
Senior Mobility and Fall Prevention
Fiduciary, Trust, and Real Estate
Useful Links
National Alliance for Home Modification and Senior Independence
Adult Protective Services – CDSS
The Alzheimer’s Association